School Social Work » School Social Work

School Social Work

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Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support, and education for families who have children and young adults (birth to 26 years of age) who receive (or may be eligible to receive) special education services. This website can help you with finding information on special education issues as well as disability specific information.
Every evaluation and particularly reevaluation, begins with the review of existing evaluation data (REED). This existing data available for the student, may include (but not limited to): student’s classroom work, test scores/performance on State and district assessments, attendance records, information provided by parents, as well as social-emotional, behavioral, and academic concerns. The purpose of this review is to decide if the existing data is sufficient, or if additional information is needed.

Michigan Department of Education uses the term Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) to describe the review of existing evaluation data and evaluation process. It is not required for a REED to be completed in a formal meeting. Members may meet individually or in small groups to review existing data in their area of expertise. Representatives of the evaluation team will meet with parents to review the evaluation process and obtain written consent before testing for special education. This meeting is scheduled at a time mutually agreed upon by the parents and school team.

Educational staff and parents can request that a student be brought up for a REED. If you feel your child needs a REED, please notify your child’s teacher or contact your School Social Worker.
  • Anger Management - Small group sessions to help students learn how to identify and appropriately express their anger,
  • Anxiety - Providing students with the tools they need to overcome their anxious feelings.
  • Divorce - Helping students cope with their parents' divorce.
  • Loss and Grief - Small group sessions to help students with their grief.
  • Making and Keeping Friends - Reflecting on the characteristics of good friends.
  • Self-Esteem - Small group sessions to boost students' confidence.
  • Social Skills - Lessons to build an understanding of positive school behaviors.
Strong Middle School has a special mission to educate your children during critical years of their school career. We do not take this mission lightly. Every student learns at a different rate, and we must be attuned to their individual needs and be ready to aid, support, and enhance all areas of learning. In order to accomplish this mission, we have developed a unique program to ensure academic success for our students. The title of this program is “Student Success Team”, and it is a team made up of the Principal, School Social Worker/Counselor, Teachers, Parent/Guardian, and Student. If your child is failing two or more core classes, this team will meet up periodically to discuss a plan for your child’s success in a particular discipline (i.e. Math, English, Science, Social Studies) and then put a plan into action. This is a general education intervention.

You, the parent/guardian, may be the most integral member of this team. It is imperative that if a staff member calls you to set up a SST that you take time to meet (approximately 30 minutes), and follow through on the meetings’ directives (plan of action) with your child. Although this takes effort on everyone’s part, the rewards are truly measurable.
If your child needs a Student Success Team meeting, a staff member from Strong Middle School will be in contact with you to set up a meeting. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ON YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS!