7th Grade STEAM 3rd Period-Mondays and Wednesdays 12:30pm to 1:55pm Assignments

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CS-First Music and Sound in Google Classroom

CS-First Music and Sound

1. Log into our CS-First Class
2. Click on the first assignment called, "Music and Sound"
3. Scroll down to #2. Dance Party
4. Click the START button
5. Watch the videos 1-4
4. Students will be able to play musical notes, create a music video, and build an interactive music display.
5. Begin Project
6. Choose one add on and add it to your project.
6. Complete the Reflection Questions
7. Click "Sign in" in the upper right hand corner of Scratch.

Use your CS First username and password to sign in.
Click the "Share" button in Scratch. If you see a Remix button, click Remix to sign in and the orange share button to turn it in.

Please see the rubric for grading.


CS First-Animate a Name in Google Classroom

CS First-Animate a Name

1. Log into our CS-First Class
2. Click on the first assignment called, "Animate A Name"
3. Watch the video
4. Pick a name or word and bring the letters to life through animation, sound, and music.
5. Begin Project
6. Complete the Wrap up Questions
7. Click "Sign in" in the upper right hand corner of Scratch.
Use your CS First username and password to sign in.
Click the "Share" button in Scratch. If you see a Remix button, click Remix to sign in and share.

Make sure you save your scratch creation so that you can go back to it. When you are done, make sure to share your project, by selecting the share or remix button at the top center of your screen. You will be graded by the completeness of your project.


CS First-Create Your Own Google Logo in Google Classroom

CS First-Create Your Own Google Logo

1. Log into our CS-First Class
2. Click on the first assignment called, "Create Your Own Google Logo"
3. Watch the video
4. Click on the Google Starter project link to the right side of your screen.
5. Log into Scratch using your CS-First Username and Password
6. Begin Project
7. Complete the Wrap up Questions

Take your time, you do not need this done this period. Have fun, make it cool!!

You will be graded by the rubric provided.


Scratch Reflection Quiz in Google Classroom

Scratch Reflection Quiz

What did you learn this week in computer science computer coding? Click on the form below and answer the questions. Please make sure you click the submit button at the bottom when you are done.


The Power of Digital Footprints in Google Classroom

The Power of Digital Footprints

You going to watch a short video about being on the internet. Pay special attention to the images you see. While watching the video, what images did you see? According to the video, what do these images have to do with the term "digital footprint"?

A digital footprint is all the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally.

A digital footprint can reveal a lot about someone (lighthouse, whisper in ear), it can be shared widely (copier and stadium/jumbotron), and it's permanent (permanent marker).

These images remind us that a digital footprint is persistent, which means it lasts a long time.

What you do online is different from what you do in person because the audience who sees it is invisible.
Define invisible audience as unknown or unanticipated people who can see information about you posted online. Who might be part of the invisible audience that would search for information about you or posted by you online? How can our digital footprint affect our future?

1. Review the slideshow and watch the video.
2. Complete the student handout below to find out how digital footprints affect our future.


Upstanders and Allies: Taking Action Against Cyberbullying in Google Classroom

Upstanders and Allies: Taking Action Against Cyberbullying

An upstander is someone who responds to a bullying situation by confronting the bully directly or by telling a trusted adult. An ally is someone who responds to a bullying situation by supporting the person being bullied.

1. Review the slideshow and watch the video.
2. Complete BOTH student handouts to see where you can take a stand!


The Engineering Design Process in Google Classroom

The Engineering Design Process

Engineers use a process to create new inventions and to make old inventions better. It is called the Engineering Design Process. Watch the video below and then complete the design process circle in google draw. To complete the circle, click on the circles to the right and move them on top of the circles on the left to create the completed circle. Stop and pause the video along the way to make sure you get them right.


Inventions and Innovations in Google Classroom

Inventions and Innovations

Now that you have explored different STEAM careers, take it one step farther and explore various real-life innovators. These innovators have helped to shape our world and make all of our lives better.

Remember: An invention is creating something new to solve a problem.

An innovation is making an invention better or making improvements to an invention that already exists.

The first slideshow below is an example of how your project should be set up. The second slideshow is for you to use to complete your project. If you want to you can also create your own project using google slides, or google draw, to present the information outlined in the direction slide. When you need to find pictures, use the two website links below (google images, pixabay, and unsplash).


STEAM Quiz 2 in Google Classroom

STEAM Quiz 2

Click on the link below and take the quiz.


Create an Interactive Presentation Using Google Slides in Google Classroom

Create an Interactive Presentation Using Google Slides

Create a presentation using Google Slides explaining what each letter of STEAM means to you. You will create a definition and find images that describe each topic of STEAM. Remember, STEAM stands for: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

Create a presentation using the "create" button below. I have created a template (example) that you can use and edit below.

Also, I provided you a rubric so that you can check your work.

PLEASE REMEMER...I want to know what each topic of STEAM means to YOU, NOT what you have copied and pasted from the internet. Also, please check your work for any misspellings and use complete sentences with periods. I will be deducting points for mistakes like this.


Why learn about STEAM and STEM? in Google Classroom

Why learn about STEAM and STEM?

STEM careers, or those related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math are among some of the most interesting, challenging, highest paid, and most needed of all 21st century careers.

Watch the Youtube videos and use the websites below in order to create your own slideshow. You will need to create your own slide show by clicking on the add or create button on the right and then select slides.

When you are done, complete the tryengineering quiz to find out which type of STEM career you would best suit you. Make sure to write the job title that fits you on the last slide of the slideshow.

Note: you do not need to use all of the websites but you can use any of them to explore the different STEM and STEAM careers out there!


STEAM Quiz 1 in Google Classroom

STEAM Quiz 1

After reading through and reviewing the introduction to STEAM class unit, complete the quiz.


Design a Poster About You in Google Classroom

Design a Poster About You

1. Click on the link below and log into our Digital Applied Skills class using the code: qv55kp.

2. Complete the steps to create a poster that tells us all about you! Be creative, school appropriate, and use lots of details so that we can learn all about you! I can't wait to find out how unique you are!!

3. When you are ready to create your project, click on the ADD or CREATE button, then select Drawings to create your project. Make sure you complete ALL videos and numbers 7 and 8 reflections, and extensions.

4. I have created a rubric so that you can check your work.

5. The link below is an example of a great project, but make yours better.


Go on a Virtual Field Trip in Google Classroom

Go on a Virtual Field Trip

1.Click on the link below and read the 1st slide. Then, choose a place or structures to visit.
2. Then,create your own slide show by clicking on the ADD or CREATE button for this assignment. YOU MUST Create your OWN slide show and answer the questions about the place you visited and the structures you looked at.
3. Please be sure to do 7th grade work, with complete sentences, capitols and periods.
4. Make sure you turn it in when you are done.
5. When you are finished you can be dismissed, but ONLY by the teacher!

You can explore roller coasters, bridges, skyscrapers, or any country, town, city, village in the world! The choice and the trip is yours to decide!